tempioLast December, the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation’s Board of Directors approved the guidelines for 2016. First of all, in the light of the data shared at the last European Local Networks’ Forum of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the GCNI Foundation will, as from now, commit to increasing the participation of Italian companies both globally and locally in the initiative. The objective will be pursued: by promoting new subscriptions to the initiative; by offering support to Italian business and non-business participants in order to prevent them from being de-listed for being non-compliant with the requirements of annual reporting imposed by the UNGC on all members; and by defining new ways of engagement specifically for SMEs.

In 2016 the Foundation will also work to strengthen its presence at an international level through a more structured collaboration with the Global Compact Office in New York and the major European networks of the Global Compact also considering the role that the Local Networks of the Global Compact are required to play in terms of promotion and implementation of the post-2015 Agenda, and more specifically of the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs. At national level, the Foundation will increasingly operate as an institutional spokesperson that represents the voice of the enterprises engaged in sustainability in a multi-stakeholder perspective.

Lastly, the coming months will bring the completion and/or development of the Foundation’s active Working Groups’ outputs, with specific reference to the Report “MAKING THE CASE. Business, biodiversity and ecosystem services as a tool for change”, the editorial project produced by the “Environment” Working Group; the Training package on Business & Human Rights currently being implemented by the "Human Rights" Working Group; the new Methodology for the creation of Materiality Analysis produced by the "Reporting" Working Group companies; and, finally, TenP - Sustainable Supply Chain Self-Assessment Platform.

For further information on the Foundation’s goals and program activities, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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