The seventh consecutive renewal for Terna, the company chaired by Catia Bastioli and led by Matteo Del Fante, in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index also comes with its recognition as an industry leader in the Electric Utilities sector. This is the result from the annual review conducted by the Swiss sustainability rating agency RobecoSAM, which today confirmed the Company’s continued inclusion in the World and Europe indexes. This represents a major achievement for Terna: there are only 8 Electric Utilities in the World index and just 2 in the Europe index.
“This excellent result rewards Terna's ability to create value for the country in performing its role with attention to integrity, the environment and social impacts” stated Terna's CEO, Matteo Del Fante. “The leadership in the field of sustainability, which for us is a stimulus for further improvement, shows that Italian firms are capable of competing and excelling at international level also in terms of responsible management”.
The Company's continued inclusion in both indexes with a total score of 89, Terna's highest ever score achieved in the Electric Utilities (average score: 52), with an increase of 2 points on last year's score, recognizes the Company's underlying commitment to sustainable management. It also serves as a sign for investors of the Company's ability to create value, even over the medium- long term. It should be noted that the increase in Terna's score is primarily attributable to its performance in the environmental sphere.
The agency RobecoSAM, as usual, assessed the sustainability performance of companies with the highest capitalization and included 317 (compared to 319 in 2014) out of 2,500 on the "World" index and 162 (compared to 154 in 2014) out of 600 on the "Europe" index, through a detailed analysis of their corporate risk governance systems and the opportunities associated with the social and environmental impacts of the companies. The strictness of the assessment criteria resulted this year in the exclusion from the Dow Jones Sustainability World index of 30 companies that were previously included. The composition of the most prestigious international sustainability stock exchange index is reviewed once a year by RobecoSAM based on the results of the assessment.
At the end of 2014, 14.9% of Terna's share capital was held by socially responsible investors. The SRIs – i.e. those choosing to invest in Terna with a sustainable approach in mind, based on the consideration of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) aspects – represent 10% of the shares held by the institutional investors identified.
In addition to its presence in the DJSI, Terna is included in the international sustainability indexes FTSE4GOOD (Global and Europe), ECPI (Ethical Global, Euro and EMU), MSCI (ESG World, EAFE, EMU, Europe), ESI (Excellence Europe), Ethibel (Pioneer and Excellence), STOXX ESG (Global, Environmental, Social and Governance), Vigeo Euronext (World, Europe and Eurozone), and in the Italian indexes FTSE ECPI Italia SRI Benchmark and Italia SRI Leaders, which are compiled solely on the basis of companies listed in the Italian Stock Exchange.