The UN Global Compact Network Italy statutory bodies are:
- The General Assembly
- The Board of Directors
- The President and Vice President
- The Executive Director
- The Controlling Body
- The Statuary Auditor
The General Assembly
The General Assembly of UNGCN Italy is constituted by the Founder Members (Promoting or not). It has the power to stimulate and the power of guidance. The General Assembly meets at least twice a year, for the approval of the preliminary and final budgets.
The General Assembly is chaired by the President of UNGCN Italy and deliberates on the following matters, by a simple majority of the members present:
- the approval of the Strategic Plan
- the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors
- the appointment of the Controlling Body and, if required by law, of the Auditor
- the approval of the annual, preliminary and final budgets
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of minimum 5 and maximum 13 members appointed by the General Assembly of UNGCN Italy on the basis of voluntary applications. The Board of Directors is empowered to identify the initiatives to be taken and the criteria to be followed for the achievement and implementation of the Network’s goals, and for its ordinary and extraordinary management, with the exception of those matters reserved by the Statute for the competence of other bodies of the Network.
The Board is responsible more specifically for the following actions:
- to approve the preliminary and final budgets drafts prepared by the President and to be submitted to the General Assembly
- to elect the President of UNGCN Italy and one or more Vice President among its own members
- to appoint and remove the Executive Director of UNGCN Italy, in accordance with the requirements and roles set out in the applicable UNGC quality standards
- to establish the framework for the UNGCN Italy activities and its related goals and programs, within the context of the purposes and activities of the Network
- to decide on the admission of new Founders
- to determine the annual fee for Founder Members
- to decide on the admission of Institutional Partners
The President
The President of the Board of Directors is also the President of UNGCN Italy and is elected from among its members by the Board itself. The President legally represents the UNGCN Italy before third parties, acts and stands before any administrative or jurisdictional authority. In relations with the Board of Directors, the President has power to stimulate and the power of initiative regarding the administration and management of UNGCN Italy.
In addition, the President:
- in collaboration with the Executive Director, develops and prepares the annual program and plan, and preliminary draft budget of UNGCN Italy
- in collaboration with the Executive Director, develops and prepares the proposed annual financial statement of UNGCN Italy
- represents UNGCN Italy institutionally
- draws rogether and maintains connections between the UNGCN Italy different bodies
- proposes the appointment of the Executive Director to the Board of Directors
Finally, the President manages the relationship with bodies, institutions, public and private enterprises and other organizations also in order to establish collaborative relationships and support for the initiatives of UNGCN Italy.
In the event of the President's unavoidable absence, his/her duties, including the legal representation of the UNGCN Italy, shall be carried out by the Senior Vice President for the duration of his/her absence or until the appointment of a new President.
The Executive Director
The Executive Director is appointed by the Board of Directors on a proposal of the President.
The Executive Director shall:
- be the contact point between UNGCN Italy and the UN Global Compact Office in New York
- manage the organisation, and supervise and coordinate the staff with regard to administrative aspects, promotional initiatives and programme implementation
- perform coordination functions between the organizations participating in the UNGCN Italy and the UN Global Compact
- attends and promotes the external relations of UNGCN Italy, managing the relationship with technical and scientific organizations, public bodies, firms, organizations and professionals on issues of interest to the Network
The Executive Director participates in the General Assembly and the Board meetings with the right to intervene, but not to vote.
The Controlling Body
The Controlling Body is appointed by the General Assembly of UNGCN Italy and is chosen among the members of the Registry of Statuary Auditors.
The Controlling Body monitors the compliance of UNGCN Italy with the law, the Statute and the principles of proper administration (also with reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001), as well as the adequacy of the organizational, administrative and accounting structure and its proper functioning. It also carries out monitoring tasks for civic, solidarity and social benefit purposes and certifies that the social report has been drawn up in accordance with current regulations. The Control Body attends the Board of Directors’ meetings, with power to intervene on matters of its own interest.
The Statuary Auditor
The Statuary Auditor is appointed by the General Assembly of UNGCN Italy and chosen among members of the Registry of Legal Auditors. The Statuary Auditor exercises accounting control over the organization.
STATUTORY BODIES (May 2022 - May 2025)
Prof. Marco Frey, Founder, Ergo Srl
Vice Presidency
Dr. Filippo Rodriguez, Managing Director, Enel Cuore Onlus
Executive Director
Dr. Daniela Bernacchi
Board of Directors
Prof. Marco Frey, Founder, Ergo Srl (President)
Dr. Alessandro Beda, Managing Director, Sodalitas Foundation (Board Member)*
Eng. Filippo Bettini, Sustainability and Future Mobility Officer, Pirelli & C. (Board Member)
Lwy. Cecilia Carrara, Partner, Legance - Avvocati Associati (Board Member)
Dr. Stefano Gardi, Chief Sustainability Officer, Italmobiliare (Board Member)
Dr. Chantal Hamende, Responsible for ESG Plans, Projects and Reporting, Terna (Board Member)
Dr. Francesca Magliulo, Director, EOS Foundation (Board Member)
Dr. Cveta Majtanovic, Sustainability Director, Innovando (Board Member)
Dr. Renata Mele, Senior Vice President Sustainability, Leonardo (Board Member)
Dr. Carlo Nicolais, Head of Group Institutional Relations, Communication & Sustainability, Maire (Board Member)
Dr. Filippo Rodriguez, Managing Director, Enel Cuore Onlus (Vice President)
Prof. Elena Semenzin, Associate Professor, Ca’ Foscari University (Board Member)
Dr. Barbara Terenghi, Executive Vice President of Sustainability, Edison (Board Member)
*He became a member of the Board of Directors in December 2022 following the UNGCN Italy General Assembly on December 21, 2022, to replace Sofia Maroudia - Snam.
Supervisory Body and Internal Auditor
Dr. Paolo Palombelli
Read the UNGCN Italy 2022 Activities Report
Watch the interview to Prof. Marco Frey, President of the UN Global Compact Network Italy