Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with the support of Fondazione Ca’ Foscari, and in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia and Rovigo, launched in September the Active Learning Lab (ALL). This first edition of ALL is dedicated to the sustainability.
The Active Learning Lab(s) are innovative and multidisciplinary teaching laboratories with a duration of 6 weeks. In these labs 40 young talented will be selected and will work in teams under the coordination of professors, mentors and specialists to devolope innovative solutions to real challenges proposed by business partners. During the labs will be used innovative methodologies such as the Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas.
The ALL are addressed to:
- Graduate students of Ca’ Foscari University. The goal is to assist students in developing of innovative solutions to real challenges, thanks to different perpectives and collaboration among students with different backgrounds (technological, scientific, humanistic, economic and management). The composition of teams has been done by a scientific committee in order to guarantee the presence of heterogeneous competencies.
- Businesses of all dimensions and sectors, which are looking for new solutions to present and future challenges. Businesses must put themeself into play to reduce the gap between young people and them, to transform their work approach and to decrease the resistance to the change and take the role of innovator.