With the new Green deal proposed by the European Commission, Europe aims at reaching net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, thus pushing to regain a leading role in the fight against climate change. Italy as well could and should do the same: this is the message from Italy for Climate, the new initiative promoted by the Sustainable Development Foundation with a focus on climate.
The aim of the initiative is to support the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, and to promote a well-informed debate on the topics of climate and energy through a broad interlocution with companies, institutions and the public opinion.
The transition towards a carbon-neutral economy can be no longer postponed, it will deeply involve and commit all economic sectors, however we do dispose of the necessary technologies and instruments to act straightaway and effectively.
Italy for Climate has proposed a Climate Roadmap for Italy, consistent with the new EU addresses, which defines a target to cut emissions by 50% in 2030 (with respect to 1990 levels), and a net-zero emissions target by 2050. An objective of this magnitude requires the contributions of all sectors, therefore the Roadmap proposed by Italy for Climate is based on 7 pillars: energy transition; circular economy; decarbonization of the transport sector; adaptation to climate change; agriculture, forestry and soil management; research, innovation and digitalization; carbon pricing.
Italy for Climate is promoted by the Sustainable Development Foundation with the support of a first group of companies: ERG, ING, e2i, illy, Davines, Conou.
For more information: www.italyforclimate.org