In 2020, Fondazione Sodalitas is turning 25 years old and, on this occasion, it intends to continue to address, together with its associated companies, the country’s emerging social needs. The experience gained in the past quarter of a century is going to help face the next 25, always taking into account the transformation of the challenges raised by the present and the future.
From this perspective, this year the Foundation is going to develop important institutional projects: CEOs Call to Action – the initiative of the company leaders who are committed to the sustainable transition of their business models; Call for Future – the campaign to expand the movement of companies committed to putting into practice the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and raising awareness about it among society, institutions and young people; Carta per le Pari Opportunità e l’Uguaglianza sul Lavoro (Charter for Equal Opportunities and Treatment at the Workplace), the declaration of intent – subscribed by businesses of any size – to help spread inclusive corporate culture and policies.
The Foundation’s commitment to its key intervention domains is also going to continue: young people and work, with the building of partnerships among schools, universities and companies and the strengthening of employability; social integration, through the commitment to facing social needs and reducing inequalities; the promotion of territorial sustainability, thanks to the gathering of best practices and cooperation among businesses, institutions, the Third Sector and the civil society.
The whole activity of the Foundation is going to be aimed at contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 in this decade, addressing the growing expectations towards companies and their leaders, who are increasingly called upon to lead the change with an advanced vision of stakeholder engagement.