A day of solidarity and sport to raise funds for social reintegration projects. Sunday 5th April 2020 Dianova will participate in the Milano Marathon charity relay with a goal: to start a permanent professional carpentry workshop in the Community of Garbagnate Milanese (MI), where a boy who has concluded his therapeutic path will become teacher of the workshop by training the participants. An important opportunity to offer concrete employment opportunities to many people with addiction problems also through the activation of job grants.
Dianova, also this year, will give the opportunity to 256 runners, through their registration fee or to individual fundraising initiatives, to run in support of this important project, combining sporting and supportive challenge.
Many companies will accompany us on this adventure by supporting our project and letting their employees run. Over the years, many partner companies have participated with us: Assiteca SpA, Autoservice S.n.c., Banca BCC Barlassina, Bayer, Farmacia Alla Madonna Dr. Vintani, Farmacia San Giovanni Rho, Ferriera Alto Milanese, Frantoio Agostini, Gruppo Tecnocasa Area Milano, Hitachi Rail STS, Mitsubishi Electric, Studio Dentistico Dott. Claudio Bricca, Studio Dott. Paraggio Amedeo Commercialista, Tipografia Sacco Aldo e TNT Italia.
However, not only supporters and partner companies of Dianova will partecipate in the Milano Marathon, but also people from all five therapeutic communities present on the national territory; for all of them, the day of the race will be a unique opportunity to feel part of a group, the people of Milano Marathon, with whom to run through the streets of the city.
The presence of people from Dianova at this sporting event wants to give a strong message: getting out of addiction is possible!
It is believed that today the problem of substance addiction has been overcome, that they are “old issues” related only to the boom of the 70s – 80s, but, in reality, the consumption of substances in our country is constantly increasing. In fact, according to the latest research, the rate of drug in Italy is among the worst in Europe, with 22% of adults between 15 and 64 years of age making use of some substance in 2017.
L’EMCDDA (European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction) has released data on the consumption of substances: cannabis, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy have millions of pathological addicted.
Running in a team, confronting a group, aiming for victory, setting a goal and training daily to achieve it are just some of the reasons why the boys and girls of Dianova see the Milano Marathon as an opportunity for redemption; a single day which, however, can give them ideas to rewrite their history and take back their lives. As Laura says, she attended last year:
“Until recently, the only thing I ran for in Milan was to go get drugs. I would never have imagined running through the city without this thought and waking up every morning with the aim of training with my teammates”.
For anyone wishing to participate with Dianova in the Milano Marathon: www.dianova.it - Anna Maria Maceli