Over 100 thousand new trees planted in the woods of Pomino and Prato in Tuscany, Carano and Trodena in Trentino Alto Adige and Langosco and Vigevano in Lombardy.
These are the first results of the "green" initiative of BNL-BNP Paribas which provides for the planting of a new tree for every 1,000 euros collected through the BNP Paribas Certificates.
These activities are carried out with Reforest’Action - a recognized player in the reforestation sector - and with its local partners. According to estimates by Reforest’Action, 100 thousand trees can absorb up to 15 thousand tons of CO2. From a socio-economic point of view, each tree will also contribute to supporting the territory, thanks to the maintenance and pruning works that will be carried out by local labor.
Globally, BNP Paribas Group aims to plant of 1.5 million new trees in two years. Combining business with environmental and social sustainability is one of the main purposes of the #PositiveBanking strategy of BNL and the BNP Paribas Group. For this reason, the Bank focuses also on sustainable and responsible investment solutions and signs partnerships that can have a positive impact on major issues such as the climate, the fight against deforestation and the protection of ecosystems.
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The communication campaign - the fourth chapter in the "story" of the BNL-BNP Paribas #PositiveBanking - dedicated to socially responsible funds (SRI) starting from Saturday february 2, and for next three weeks. In a "changing world", investments can also be a vehicle for attention and a common commitment towards major environmental issues, the protection of human rights, equality and a healthier real economy.
BNL and BNP Paribas address the general public by leveraging the reliability of a Group globally active in environmental, social and economic sustainability (over 168 billion of investments in sustainable projects and initiatives) and on the expertise of international savings management teams. The BNP Paribas Group manages more than 37 billion socially responsible assets worldwide and is a leader in its sector, as well as being its pioneer, having created the first SRI fund as early as 2002.
All this is a further step in the development of the #PositiveBanking strategy, through which BNL and BNP Paribas are committed to combining business with sustainability issues in order to make a concrete contribution, in terms of positive impact, to the environment and society, involving customers, suppliers, stakeholders and the reference communities of the Bank and the Group.