lenteThe Green Economy Italian Companies became a decisive and qualifying part of the national economy. This message emerged during the States General of the Green Economy, concluded on the 4th of November in Rimini, during the initiative Ecomondo-Key Energy-Cooperambiente.

In addition to Gian Luca Galletti, Minister for the Environment, more than 70 speakers participated, among which many international experts, and more than 2800 registrations to the venue. Moreover we take into account all the followers of the live streaming.

The annual “green” appointment, which gather the world of green economy in order to elaborate new proposals for the Government, has registered a great participation to the debate online and the event hashtag #statigreen15 has been a trending topic on the 3rd November with about 100.000 reached accounts (99.892) for 263.000 total impressions (total visualisations).

“The States General of the Green Economy 2015- has said Edo Ronchi, from the National Council of the Green Economy – have registered a significant presence of green companies in many sectors. A presence which is not enough appraised on Media and which signals the difference between the real impact and the perception of the strength of green economy in Italy. It is important to overcome this communication gap in order to recognize this reality as a decisive and qualifying part of the Italian economy”

The newness of the 2015 edition has been the Report on the state of green economy in Italy, which has taken a picture of all the Italian green companies, and an important international mark of the event, especially in the 5 parallel sessions for the analysis of specific themes. The Report, which will become an annual appointment, has demonstrated a considerable growth of the green business in Italy: more than 4 companies on 10 has actually a “green” brand.

For further information: www.statigenerali.org


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