gcniIn late April two important events promoted by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) will be held in New Delhi in India as international-scale initiatives in support of the Global Goals 2030 and of the role of Local Networks within the governance system UNGC.

► “Making Global Goals Local Business – India” (New Delhi, 26th-27th of April)

The two days will bring together over 300 local and global leaders with the aim of promoting the development of innovative business models to support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

India is one of the fastest growing markets, with an average rate of economic growth of 7.26% and an influx of foreign capital of over US$ 31 billion. 1.2 billion people live in India and one third of the national population live in poverty or extreme poverty. In light of this data, it is clear that the progress of the SDGs in India is a key element for the success of sustainable development at global level.

The events in New Delhi will provide an opportunity to discuss and outline innovative solutions and new market opportunities related to the advancement of the global goals.

List of Speakers

► "Annual Local Network Forum" (New Delhi, 28th of April)

The Forum aims to explore ways in which the Global Compact Local Networks will be able to play a leading role in facilitating the engagement of the private sector regarding the UN 2030 Global Goals in the coming years. This meeting will bring together over 100 representatives and Local Network contact persons from around the world. Participants will discuss issues related to governance and the activities programmes.


Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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