In January 2018 the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) launched a new governance model called "One Global Compact". The UNGC’s aim is to strengthen its commitment to supporting companies all over the world in their integration of the Ten Principles into their strategies and operations and in their implementation of the 17 Goals envisaged by the 2030 Agenda.

In an uncertain international geopolitical context and in a world where extreme poverty and inequality persist and climate change has become an increasingly urgent emergency, the Global Compact is one of the real guiding lights for a more sustainable and secure world. The Ten Principles have never been more important, providing an ethical and corporate framework to help the private sector generate value, strengthening fundamental rights and principles.

The new "One Global Compact" governance, which provides for more alignment and integration between the United Nations Global Compact and more than 70 local networks, gives greater substance to the G-local approach of the initiative. It is a global movement with strong connections at local level in order to be present where companies operate, guiding them to act responsibly and in an innovative way towards reaching sustainability.

With this in mind, the Global Compact is adapting its support to the specificities of the various member firms and is opening up new opportunities for them, introducing new tools, resources and platforms, such as the UN Global Compact Academy and the UN Global Compact Navigator due to be launched in 2019.
In order to achieve the ambitious objectives that the Global Compact has set itself for the coming years, it is important that companies also renew their commitment by selecting their Engagement Tier, within the initiative, to suit their needs: Signatory or Participant.

Today more than 70 Italian companies have made the Engagement Tier selection, but it is important that all the firms participating in the Global Compact that intend to continue to be a part of it, get mobilized to choose their tier as soon as possible.

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