Stop at disposable plastic bottles and glasses, replaced by 700 thermal bottles, personalized with each employee's initials.
125,000 bottles of water, 125,000 plastic cups, equalling 4 tonnes of waste per year and around 13,500 kg of CO2 emissions: these are the numbers of its headquarters that Terna is gradually erasing with "Plastic Free", the initiative that eliminates the disposable plastics from the offices.
Starting from December 2018, in the canteen, bar and vending machines, there are no more bottles of water or disposable plastic cups, replaced by dispensers of hot and cold regular and mineral water.
Disposable plastic cups are also eliminated, they are replaced by around 700 stainless steel thermal bottles distributed to employees by the company that customized them with their initials engraved on the cap.
A project aimed at increasing the sustainability culture, a value the company always promotes in every area of its business and now also in the daily working life of its employees.
Achieving such purpose requires the active commitment of individual employees, who are called to act sustainably and become personally engaged also in separate waste collection within the company: individual waste paper bins at workstations have been replaced with a single receptacle in each office.
Complete the project the availability of special collection points for plastic, paper, wet and other waste, on every floor of the building.
The project be expanded in 2019 to all the other Italian offices.