Open Hospital is a free and open source HIS (Health Information Sytem), developed by the not-for-profit organization Informatici Senza Frontiere to help with the management of daily operations of hospitals, clinics and medical centres in developing countries.
A group made up of experts and professional volunteers constantly develops and updates the software to make it more and more useful and functional and provides the training and advice necessary for an effective and sustainable implementation.
With 23 installations already activated, Open Hospital boasts active projects in 13 countries of the world, for a potential catchment area of about 2 million people.
Since 2014, as part of its sustainability initiatives, Intesys has decided to contribute to the Open Hospital software within a project of corporate volunteering, i.e. donating working hours of its technical staff to develop new software features.
Intesys has provided multiple skills to facilitate the development of the project, offering 5 internal teams: "core" java software developers, web frontend developers, interface designers for the new software version, SEO analysts for the design and optimization of the project website and WordPress experts for the maintenance and development of the project website. During 6 years of project support, Intesys provided around 2000 hours of specialized technical work, significantly contributing to the architectural renewal of the software and to the development of the new web version.
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