Salini Impregilo is publishing the Sustainability Report also this year. The report is a transparent communication tool aimed at satisfying the information needs of all stakeholders concerning the results in economic, environmental and social terms, confirming the commitment dedicated to sustainable development.
Gestore Servizi Energetici - GSE fosters environmental sustainability through promotion and development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Italy. The activities aim at providing financial support for utilization of renewable energy sources.
Contributing to sustainable development represents the main focus of the Company’s mission and is the driving force for its crucial choices and operative decisions.
By providing information and training, GSE makes new generations aware on energy efficiency and environmental respect: a first step to activate a cultural change.
Since 2011, thanks to the didactic project “GSE incontra le scuole”, junior high school students are hosted in GSE in order to show them, with slides and videos, the differences between various technologies enabling us to use solar energy, wind, hydro, biomasses, tidal power and geothermal heating to produce energy. During the meetings, students also familiarize with mechanisms linked to energy efficiency, sustainability and energy saving. A guided tour to the photovoltaic plant which fosters the building is also envisaged.
The Guidebook “Le Energie Rinnovabili”, realized with the cooperation of the different Company Divisions, is given to the students: the book is an easy guide to sensitive energetic and environmental issues.
The environment is increasingly on media, political and economic world? It will be discussed on the 27th of November, in Rome at Lumsa (Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta), during the Forum promoted by Pentapolis Onlus that, in this data, will present the results about the second Report of the Observatory Eco-Media, created with the aim to monitor, every year, the flow of information on the green issues and sustainability; the Report wants to stimulate the big publishers to give space and continuity that they deserve, encouraging a production chain “zero impact”.
Friday 25th September Ca’ Foscari participates in the European Researchers' Night. This initiative is to open the doors of laboratories and studies of universities to present and to experience to citizens the research conducted by professors, researchers, PhD students, students.
Climate Week NYC is an annual summit boosting high-level meetings between the worlds of business, government and society who are leading the low carbon transition.
FEEM has organized a side event about “Sustainable Development Goals: New Metrics for Monitoring, Verifying and Assessment” on September 24 at 18:30pm at the United Nations. It presents and discusses approaches and methodologies to measure, verify and assess Sustainable Development Goals. The side event will present the preliminary results of FEEM’s APPS (Assessment, Projections and Policy of Sustainable Development Goals) project for about 140 countries, as well as a preliminary sustainability ranking. Experts from governments and other relevant organizations will provide their input to assess and further improve the proposed methodologies.
Enel has been named in the top five of Fortune magazine’s “Change the World” list, a new ranking that shines a spotlight on businesses that make addressing social challenges part of their business strategy. The Group, which is both the only utility and only Italian company to be included in the list was ranked fifth of 50 companies selected by the magazine, and was hailed by Fortune for “charging the barricades when it comes to clean power”.
Waste Italia, through the holding company Kinexia Group, published the Sustainability Report, to maintain dialogue and a formal commitment to transparency to all stakeholders.
The strategic decision to submit simultaneously the Sustainability Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements espresse Kinexia’s intention to provide a complete information dashboard, being the sustainability the fundamental value of its renewable energyand enviroment based business.
Last 30th June has been presented in Rome the "Manifesto of the Green Economy on Agri-food for the occasion of Expo 2015", approved by the National Council of the green economy (composed by 65 Business Associations) and elaborated through a participatory approach involving hundreds of experts in the working groups of the States General of the Green Economy.
This Manifesto expresses a point of view of the Green Economy on agricultural food production on the occasion of Expo Milano 2015.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Coordination of the Voluntary Associations of the Treviso Area launch the second edition of University of Voluntary Work.
From 1 July 2015 it is possible to register for the new academic year, with a curriculum further enriched and empowered. The curriculum provides for the developing of a real educational path, which lasts one academic year.
UniCredit published its Sustainability Report since 2000 and this year the Group published its first Integrated Report. “The sustainable creation of value is core to our strategy, and our people are 100-percent committed to this goal. Our work and investment choices are all carried out with this in mind, with the aim of enhancing all of our capitals: financial, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural, said UniCredit’s CEO, Federico Ghizzoni.
On occasion of the World Environment Day, on June, the 5th2015, the ERGO Insurance Group launched the Bit-Away-Days, 15 days “to get rid” of needless data. The initiative calls about 43,000 employees from all over the ERGO world to contribute by deleting unnecessary data from their PCs. Indeed it is not unusual to find in our PCs files that are saved twice or more, useless drafts, files that are outdated and not required to be archived. Yet exactly those unnecessary files use valuable storage space, which not only causes costs, but also consumes a lot of energy. The operations of the storage disks and also for their cooling have effectively a direct impact on the use of energy.
Now in its tenth edition, the 2014 Sustainability Report has many innovations: the first is the adoption of the GRI-Global Reporting Initiative G4 guidelines, a year in advance compared to their definitive entry into force.
With this new standard, reporting becomes more focused on Governance and the Supply Chain and more strongly adherent to the principle of materiality, i.e. focused on the most relevant issues for the company and its stakeholders.
Another innovation of the 2014 report is the publication of the results of the materiality analysis and the stakeholder review map.
Officinæ Verdi (OV), Energy Efficiency Group created in 2011 by JV UniCredit - WWF, during its first two years of operation achieved significant goals in terms of sustainability, thanks to a business model focused on energy efficiency, advanced metering platforms, economic and financial sustainable investments and a “no incentives” vision aimed to develop medium-long term value for enterprises focused on the analysis of needs and on self-consumption of energy.
Currently, OV Group operates in holding as Management Company and Advisor for developing “Green Economy Applied” investments, combining financial and technological know-how in the energy sector, with a consolidated expertise on complex investment projects for energy-intensive sectors.
“A focus on the environment, social development and economic sustainability are three key factors for the growth of a global player in the energy sector. In Enel we believe in innovation to meet the needs of our customers, offering new products and energy services to promote the social and environmental development of communities and generate shared long-term value.” (Francesco Starace - Enel, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager).
The Enel Sustainability Report 2014, which this year also includes the Environmental Report, discloses a rich and sustainable year: the position of Enel in the world of the new organizational structure, the results achieved in the various areas of the Group, to the projects of shared and inclusive value creation with the communities in which we operate, to goals yet to be achieved and in the sustainability plan 2015-2019.
In response to the urgent need to address unemployment, climate change and demographic changes in Europe, the corporate social responsibility movement has developed the MILAN MANIFESTO ENTERPRISE 2020 for action by 2020.
The movement, brought together by CSR Europe, the European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility, already includes more than 40 national corporate social responsibility associations and over 10.000 companies across Europe.
CIIP - Consulta Interassociativa Italiana per la Prevenzione, of which AIAS - Associazione Italiana Ambiente e Sicurezza is a member, is organising a Free Conference for the Study and Analysis of "Health, Safety and Environment in Agriculture", which will be held on Wednesday, 15th July, from 09.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. in viale G. D’Annunzio 15, in Milan (at Centro per la Cultura della Prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro e di vita).
The role of the agriculture sector is very important for economy, environment and health. In the National Plan for Agriculture (2014 – 2018) the lines of work for enterprises and public administration are confirmed and innovated.
Online registration only at:,+sicurezza+e+ambiente_209.aspx
For the third year in a row Atlantia presents to its stakeholder a document based on an integrated strategy and vision of the value creation process. The document is grafted on the valuable experiences of 2012 and 2013, providing a general picture of the Group’s activities, including the value creation strategy, governance and performance in the social, environmental, and financial framework in which the Group operates. Specific goals and measurable and concrete actions are also provided. In comparison with the previous editions, important innovative elements have been introduced. First of all, the 2014 Report fully takes into consideration the effects arising from the corporate changes which occurred at the end of 2013 with the integration of the Aeroporti di Roma. These effects have been duly considered and the motorway and airport sectors have, therefore, been integrated in a single business model.
The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will inaugurate on Thursday 7th May, h. 10.30 am in Aula Baratto, the installation of the artist Alexandre Dang: a field of around 400 “Dancing Solar Flowers” will cover the Cortile Grande (the main courtyard) of Ca' Foscari University.
The flowers will dance from dawn to dusk thanks to the solar light converted into electricity by the small photo voltaic solar cell. The art work connects the scientific and artistic approach to encourage renewable energy knowledge and to increase awareness about sustainable problems and solutions. Alexandre Dangh as developed a pedagogic aspect to his sustainable art, using it to educate young people about the potential of eco-friendly technologies with a focus on renewable energy.
The 13th May, in Milan, within the EXPO, the Dutch government will organize an international strategic dialogue between major Dutch and Italian companies on sustainability and innovation. The event will be held at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum from 4 pm to 7 pm and it will be led by Jan Balkenende (Dutch Prime Minister from 2000 to 2010); it will be sponsored by the Foundation for Sustainable Development and the Dutch Embassy in Italy.
FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, in collaboration with Associazione Alumni Accenture, b-Venture and Fondazione Italiana Accenture, launched "Share in Action”, a contest aimed at promoting, developing and implementing the most innovative collaborative projectson sharing economy - submitted by profit and non-profit entities and teams of individuals - able to combine digital technologies and enhancement of services in the fields of hospitality, culture and welfare.