The results of the annual review carried out by the Swiss sustainability rating agency RobecoSAM confirm Terna's place in the top tier of the prestigious Dow Jones World Sustainability Index that evaluates over 2000 companies globally. Terna's inclusion is particularly significant because only six Italian companies are present in the index, which represents an authority in ranking the 316 world champions for sustainability.
Sofidel has a new corporate campaign dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Group. To celebrate the company’s anniversary, the ad features a roll of tissue unravelling to reveal the number 50, whilst highlighting respect for the environment and people, values that have always been integral to Sofidel’s growth. The new corporate campaign has been launched on the main media channels online and, on Sofidel Anniversary Day, on printed media. In Italy, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera; in France, Le Figaro; in Germany, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; the Financial Times in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland, with strong focus on the business community.
What role can the private sector play in contributing to social progress? How Italian companies are integrating social needs in the elaboration of their strategies, investments, programmes and actions? How many of them have recognized the “creating shared value” approach as an opportunity to reconcile objectives of growth and competitiveness with the creation of social value?
To encourage the energy efficiency market potential in the service sector through the innovation of EPC contracts and to facilitate energy efficiency investment and renewable sources energy production: this is the objective of the European project EPC Trust South, implemented by the Horizon 2020 framework Programme. Together with Officinae Verdi, ten parteners of six different countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Croatia and Greece) are part of this project.
27 September 2016
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Corso Magenta 63, Milan
In September 2015, the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations, as the Millennium Development Goals follow-up, defined broader and more ambitious development targets for both developed and developing countries, encompassing all sustainability dimensions (economic, financial, institutional, social and environmental). These goals will be crucial to design the pathway towards an inclusive green growth in each country. Ambitious targets call for ambitious policies and, in parallel, for operational, timely and informative evaluation tools to monitor progresses.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with the support of Fondazione Ca’ Foscari, and in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia and Rovigo, launched in September the Active Learning Lab (ALL). This first edition of ALL is dedicated to the sustainability.
In the large cities of the Western World is undergoing a gradual and continuous process of integration of different technological networks providing basic services.
Communications, energy, transports and water’s network tend increasingly towards an interdependent functional model, leading a new technological city structure which, in a very briefly and efficient way, has been called “smart city”.
In line with the last three editions, The 2015 Integrated Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 Guidelines – “Comprehensive option”, and the international framework on Integrated Reporting model set out by the International Integrated Reporting Council.
On the occasion of its 50th Anniversary the Sofidel Group, founded in 1966, is pleased to announce the “Sofidel Suppliers Sustainability Award”, an annual award that aims to motivate its national and international suppliers to promote high sustainable standards. It will promote best practice and recognize improved social and environmental responsibility actions.
Impronta Etica and SCS Consuting have developed the Guidelines for the Measurement of Social Impacts, representing the results of the workshop held between 2014 and 2015 with members of Impronta Etica, winner of the PRIZE RSI (Responsabilità Sociale Impresa - CSR) of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
As part of its commitment and continuous efforts to fight illegal trade, Philip Morris International has launched PMI IMPACT, an important initiative aimed at funding projects to confront smuggling and related crimes, which severely damage the economy and undermine society’s security by fueling corruption and other crimes.
On Friday June 24th the Conference “Laudato Si’, 2030 Agenda, COP21 a Year Later: Reflections and Perspectives” took place in Assisi, the medieval town that gave birth to St. Francis. The event has been organized by Sorella Natura Foundation, University of Perugia, SDSN Italia and its hosting institution FEEM.
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), has been nominated Hosting Institution of SDSN Italia by Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs during the event “Research and Innovation for the SDGs: toward an Inclusive Green Growth - Launch Event of SDSN Italy”, which was held last 14 March in Milan.
Etimos presents a short report, updated to June 2016, on the progress of FEFISOL, the investment fund dedicated to microfinance in Africa supporting rural development. It is a fund established by Etimos together with SIDI and ALTERFIN and which is characterized as a real project of impact investing in one of the continents most affected by crises and widespread poverty.
“Be sustainable today to be competitive tomorrow”. Sustainability is strategic in Enel and is fully integrated with all business functions. It is aimed at creating long-term value for the company and all its stakeholders. This approach is in line with Enel new Open Power vision, that implies listening and involving people and communities, linking social and economic progress.
In April 2016, KPMG in Italy has supported Ashoka Italy during the annual workshop ‘This Works’, aimed at fighting unemployment by scaling up successful social entrepreneurship initiatives in Italy.
On 11 July in Milan, A2A, represented by the Chairman Giovanni Valotti, the Chief Executive Officer Valerio Camerano and the Chairman of the Territory and Sustainability Committee Stefano Pareglio, presented the Group's commitments for an increasingly more sustainable business, which are summarised in the 2030 Sustainability Policy and the 2016-2020 Sustainability Plan.
The Integrated Report describes how the Group applies a sustainable strategy to creating value that has a positive impact on society. By providing responsible lending, savings, payments and investment products, the Group enables individuals to improve their quality of life and enhance their financial stability. By providing finance to small, medium and large corporations and financing the development of key sectors, the Group contributes to economic growth and innovation. By improving financial literacy, promoting inclusion and gender balance and conserving natural resources, the Group also contributes to the achievement of sustainable development.
This year Terna's Sustainability Report 2015, in its eleventh edition, has over 150 indicators which together with contextual information and explanatory texts, give an account of Terna's performance in four areas of responsibility - for the electric, economic, environmental and social service - as well as describing the initiatives to listen to and involve stakeholders. The linking of the indicators to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals demonstrates Terna's contribution to the bigger goals of sustainable development on a global scale.
The opening event of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Sofidel Group, the second European player and sixth in the world for the production of paper for hygienic and domestic use, took place on the 20th of April in Milan. From a company from the province of Lucca to a multinational - particularly well-known in Italy for the Regina brand - Sofidel is currently present in 13 countries in Europe and in the USA, with a turnover of 1,809 million euro and over 5,500 employees. An Italian organization which has succeeded in interpreting the future with a vision that unites growth and sustainability, recording a 197% increase in turnover in the last 10 years despite the financial crisis.