After the legs in Brescia, Valtellina and Bergamo, forumAlscolto also reached Milan on 30 January 2017. Works were opened by Chairman Giovanni Valotti and CEO Valerio Camerano together with Institutional Representatives of the City of Milan. The various work groups debated four topics that are essential for designing the City of the Future: Smart City, Circular Economy, Environmental Culture and Urban Regeneration.
The AIAS Network organizes from 24th to 29th April 2017 the Safety Heroes Week. The events of this campaign will take place all over Italy and anyone interested in the initiative could take part with an own event or can become sponsor of this national campaign.
In particular, on the occasion of Workers Memorial Day (WMD) of 28th April 2017, AIAS will organize a conference in Rome at Confcommercio headquarters in which the multiple interconnections between health and safety at work policies and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UN Agenda 2030 will be highlighted.
BNP Paribas sustainability model is based on 4 pillars (economy, people, community, environment) and 13 specific goals, whose achievement weights 20% of 5000 key managers variable compensation. In this environment and engagements to fight climate change have taken an even more central role after COP 21, and the Group has taken new commitments.
BNP Paribas has actively responded to the call of the Ministry of Education that, according to the Law 107, fosters educational innovation and the integration of young students in the Italian educational system. The goal is to integrate the school pathway of students with a knowledge and experience of career practices. BNL is committed to the project "School and Work", thus offering to the school the expertise of their "Masters of Trade", that is to say specialized colleagues that follow customers every day, for economic and financial education activities at school or in their own job places. The company undertakes, therefore, a new role: not only a workplace but also a place for studying and learning, testing, for job orientation and for joint exchange of experiences in order to contribute to the development of the person.
Extreme weather events related to climate change, which directly affect industrial areas, can be extremely damaging for local communities and enterprises. In the case of flooding, enterprises face potentially large economic losses (e.g. through stoppages to production and damage to equipment and buildings), affecting also the supply-chain. Supply chains can also be affected by climate conditions, and the effects can be widespread due to geographically-dispersed actors.
The project Milano Sei l’Altro, which sees FEEM as partner and promoter, celebrated the end of its first year of activities. The aim of the Project is to create collaborative processes to develop new welfare services with the involvement and to the advantage of society as a whole, from profit to non-profit actors, administrations and community. In particular, Milano Sei l’Altro is working with SME and large enterprises, such as Altavia, Humana, Poste Italiane, Vodafone, Adecco, with the purpose of developing innovative welfare services in response to the work-life balance issue with a focus on the management of care loads. Stemming from the interest of the project in engaging the companies, a wider path of research and reflection has been conceived on the role played by the private sector in the innovation of welfare models and the tools and processes to create shared value.
The Youth in Action for Sustainable Development Goals for young university students or under 30 graduates was launched on March 14th. The contest was promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli with the support of ASviS, SDSN Youth, AIESEC, RUS and Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi. Participants are called upon to submit innovative ideas for projects that can contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Italy.
During the Spring Meeting 2017, which is an event organised by the Sustainable Development Foundation in preparation for the States General of the Green Economy 2017, it will be presented the green economy Manifesto for the city of the future.
KPMG supports the Italian communities hit by the earthquake since the early months of this year.
The contribution is concrete and dedicated to the support of the populations and areas damaged by the earthquake. The appeal launched by KPMG has involved the most important resource, its people, by fundraising activities both through in-kind and financial resources.
OV Group has launched its Innovation & Sustainability Division, which helps organizations to follow a sustainable path. Innovation means not only technological development, but also to think differently. Every business activity must be conscious about its social impact, following green and circular economy principles, in a sustainability framework.
The 21st International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference will focus on Responsible & Sustainable Consumption and Production and gathers a variety of experts from Asia and EU (May 3-5, 2017, VIU, Isola di San Servolo).
The Conference is jointly promoted by Venice International University (VIU) and the International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management (ISBITM) in cooperation with De La Salle University (Philippines) and Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (Taiwan).
Snam considers sustainability to be an important element in establishing its business strategy and making investment decisions. In short, an important development factor for all fields of activity. An integral part of the sustainability management model is the sustainability report, which enables Snam, on a yearly basis, to check the progress made, identify opportunities for improvement and strengthen its relationship and collaboration with all its stakeholders.
Snam has adopted a different approach in its 2016 sustainability report, including the concept in the name of the document. In fact, this year’s edition has a new title: “Natural gas for decarbonisation – 2016 sustainability report”.
The CSR Forum, organised by the Italian Banking Association and ABIEventi, with the collaboration of important Italian and international institutions, remains one of the most significant Italian events dedicated to corporate social responsibility, a subject of considerable interest in banking and finance, as in the political, economic and social system. The event will be held on December 1-2, in Rome at Palazzo Altieri (Piazza del Gesù, 49).
Approved by a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors on October 28th, the 2015 edition, edited by the External Communication team, is made in accordance with the G4 guidelines "Sustainability Reporting Guidelines" according to the "Core" level.
Sustainability, for Ansaldo STS, means to compete effectively and correctly in the global market, increasing customer satisfaction, enhancing value for shareholders and stakeholders and developing the skills and capabilities of its people. It means developing innovative solutions that create more environmentally friendly products from design to testing friendly, which can positively affect the quality of life.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice inaugurates on 2 december, 5:30 pm at Ca’ Foscari Zattere, the exhibition “QuindiciPercento. Dialogue on disability around the world”, by the photographer Christian Tasso.
This cultural project, realized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the artist and the cultural association Equality, consists in the exposition of a selection of images describing the life of people with disability living in different parts of the world and the approches of different communities.
KPMG has collaborated with Social Value Italia to jointly draw up the "Social Impact Glossary", a booklet which contains the main items related to the subject of social impact, giving a definition of them while stimulating discussion.
Philip Morris International is recognized as a global leader in its action on climate change by the CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project.
For the third consecutive year, the company is on the CDP’s ‘Climate A List’ for taking comprehensive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change, and for its transparent disclosure process.
Salini Impregilo is among a group of global companies leading the fight against global warming in terms of sustainability policy to be recently awarded for its efforts by Milan's stock exchange - BorsaItaliana – and CDP, a non-profit organization that runs a global disclosure system for some 2,000 companies to help them manage their environmental performance. Salini Impregilo’s strategy and subsequent actions to reduce CO2 emissions in its activities was recognized in the CDP Climate Leadership Awards 2016 ceremony. It is a prestigious acknowledgement, which follows our Group’s inclusion in the CDP's Climate “A List”, a recognition of the efforts by 193 companies at the global level, including eight from Italy, to ensure the sustainability of their projects throughout the world.
Sofidel has supported the Italian edition of the Living Planet Report, the WWF reference document that takes stock of the state of the Earth’s natural systems and the solutions to undertake to lead our society towards truly sustainable development. The biennial document has been presented in Rome in the Chamber of Deputies with the participation of Chamber President Laura Boldrini.
For the thirteenth consecutive year Telecom Italia has been confirmed in the Dow Jones World (DJSI World) and Europe (DJSI Europe) Sustainability Indexes and is recognized as an ‘industry leader’ in the telecommunications sector with a score of 90/100: it is the only Italian company to obtain this recognition in its industrial sector.