Over 100 thousand new trees planted in the woods of Pomino and Prato in Tuscany, Carano and Trodena in Trentino Alto Adige and Langosco and Vigevano in Lombardy.
These are the first results of the "green" initiative of BNL-BNP Paribas which provides for the planting of a new tree for every 1,000 euros collected through the BNP Paribas Certificates.
A day of solidarity and sport to raise funds for social reintegration projects. Sunday 5th April 2020 Dianova will participate in the Milano Marathon charity relay with a goal: to start a permanent professional carpentry workshop in the Community of Garbagnate Milanese (MI), where a boy who has concluded his therapeutic path will become teacher of the workshop by training the participants. An important opportunity to offer concrete employment opportunities to many people with addiction problems also through the activation of job grants.
Dianova, also this year, will give the opportunity to 256 runners, through their registration fee or to individual fundraising initiatives, to run in support of this important project, combining sporting and supportive challenge.
Enel considers sustainability as a key principle to increasingly integrate into industrial and financial strategies, creating synergies with the external world and accelerating the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In promoting this model, Enel is leading the transition toward a zero-emission energy system while fostering a responsible behavior when performing its business activity across the whole value chain.
A commitment that is widely recognized by the most influencing ESG indexes and rating agencies whose task, in evaluating and tracking sustainability performance, is becoming even more crucial, as a growing number of investors are now paying more attention on how companies integrate Environmental, Social and Governance issues into their business models.
Open Hospital is a free and open source HIS (Health Information Sytem), developed by the not-for-profit organization Informatici Senza Frontiere to help with the management of daily operations of hospitals, clinics and medical centres in developing countries.
A group made up of experts and professional volunteers constantly develops and updates the software to make it more and more useful and functional and provides the training and advice necessary for an effective and sustainable implementation.
With 23 installations already activated, Open Hospital boasts active projects in 13 countries of the world, for a potential catchment area of about 2 million people.
In 2020, Fondazione Sodalitas is turning 25 years old and, on this occasion, it intends to continue to address, together with its associated companies, the country’s emerging social needs. The experience gained in the past quarter of a century is going to help face the next 25, always taking into account the transformation of the challenges raised by the present and the future.
With the new Green deal proposed by the European Commission, Europe aims at reaching net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, thus pushing to regain a leading role in the fight against climate change. Italy as well could and should do the same: this is the message from Italy for Climate, the new initiative promoted by the Sustainable Development Foundation with a focus on climate.
The aim of the initiative is to support the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, and to promote a well-informed debate on the topics of climate and energy through a broad interlocution with companies, institutions and the public opinion.
Sofidel has recently taken another step forward in its sustainable development strategy. The Group has set itself the goal of achieving a 50% reduction in the use of conventional plastic in its production by 2030 (compared to 2013). A goal pursued with a general reduction in the thickness of the plastic film used in the production process, the introduction of new kraft paper packaging, which is already present or due to arrive on supermarket shelves, and the progressive use, on some markets, of recycled plastics or bioplastics.
In the mainframe of the 2019 Sustainable Development Festival, AiFOS organizes 2 free webinars, in order to promote relevant goals of the 2030 agenda.
The safe and sustainable supply chain
27 May 2019, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm
The development of an increasingly global economy and the consequent growth of risks related to the loss of control over large and disaggregated supply chains, raises increasing attention to the issue of optimal and overall supply chain management.
Suppliers’ monitoring is therefore an increasingly strategic and important issue for companies. More and more the verification of the issues related to Health and Safety is dealing with the tendency to manage the sustainability of supplies both from an environmental and ethical point of view.
In collaboration with Gruppo Ambiente Sicurezza S.r.l.
To register click here
The soft leadership of sustainable management
June 6, 2019, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thinking about and managing organizations towards sustainable leadership means understanding how to engage the management on sustainability issues to ensure investments towards strategies with proven effectiveness.
We will present the results of a university research that analyzed the motivations that drive sustainable management of a company and some outstanding initiatives that have allowed an effective path towards sustainable leadership.
In collaboration with Stantec S.p.A.
To register click here
A fantastic adventure in the hearth of Africa: six days biking in the uncontaminated nature of Tanzania, around the Kilimanjaro, 400 km of red earth and dirt tracks among the wonderful African landscapes, a sporting and human experience for better health in Africa.
After seven editions, Africa Classic it becomes international: from 10 to 17 October 2020, 100 people from 5 countries will live together an unbelievable adventure.
For companies it is a remarkable opportunity to combine social responsibility with team building activities for their employees, offering them the opportunity to cycle through Tanzania. Besides the special outdoor experience, the physical effort and mental challenge participants will contribute to improving health conditions in Africa.
In the recent months, BNP Paribas has been involved in two important financial transactions in the field of sustainable finance. The first, with Snam, the energy group active in the transport, storage and regasification of methane, who launched a new bond loan called "Climate Action Bond" on 22 September 2018. BNP Paribas was among the joint bookrunner banks of the transaction. The income obligation will be used for the services offered by Snam with particular regard to improving the environmental impact; it will have 6.5 years duration and a size of 500 million euro. Not like a traditional green bond, the Climate action bond has a wider horizon; it allows financing or refinancing both green investments, such as bio methane or energy efficiency, and projects that improve the environmental impact.
9 sustainable development targets to outline Edison's contribution to achieving the objectives promoted by the United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) in line with the pillars of the Italian Integrated Climate Energy National Plan. The commitment, formalized in the Consolidated Non-Financial Declaration (NFD) 2018, takes shape in the Sustainability Policy and its medium and long-term targets. The targets concern the commitment to climate change, the drive for innovation and digitalisation, the attention to plurality and inclusion, proximity to customers and stakeholder engagement: https://www.edison.it/en/edison-commitment-to-green-energy-sustainable-development
Legance is extremely committed to its social responsibility program, which is coordinated by the CSR Committee. This program includes a series of activities and projects, both legal and non, aimed at raising awareness and involving its lawyers on issues related to social impact, with a view of day-to-day and future sustainability.
In this regard, Legance has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UNICEF as part of the “UNICEF Business Lab” project, a training course and debate on the protection and enforcement of the rights of under-18s which aims to identify and encourage sustainable business practices that pay attention to the rights of children and adolescents.
Between 2018 and 2019, the Firm organised three training sessions with UNICEF on issues relating to risk management, non-financial disclosure and brand reputation with experts and operators in the legal community, successful case history was discussed. In particular, the last meeting held in March 2019 was organised with AIGI, the Italian Association of Corporate Lawyers and was attended by Eni Gas and Electricity, ENEL and FENDI.
Through the successful experience of large companies and market operators, this project aims to make workers and members of the legal community aware of sustainable behaviour to be adopted on a daily basis and in the working environment in general.
Legance's strategic vision is not only to offer society the professional skills of its lawyers, but to also provide examples of significant ethical and social impact.
Tackling skill mismatch is one of the most important challenges for the current labour market and to combat youth unemployment in Italy. For this reason, Fondazione Sodalitas (Sodalitas Foundation) and JPMorgan Chase Foundation have decided to renew their collaboration by launching the second phase of the We4Youth project, with the aim of enhancing the training of soft skills and work orientation activities, through the consolidation of partnerships between schools and businesses, particularly in the most socially fragile contexts.
The project in its first phase (2017/2018) produced the first national research that analyzed 25 successful cases of work based learning experiences, followed by a roadshow to promote quality partnerships between school and company.
Sofidel, also for 2018, has voluntarily joined the CDP Report, a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure, disclose, manage and share their environmental impacts. CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, serves more than 650 institutional investors with US$ 87 trillion in assets. In 2018, over 7,000 companies across the world disclosed through CDP.
Sofidel has been awarded an A- rating in the Climate Change category and an A- rating in the Forests Timber category, in both cases earning a place in the highest (Leadership) scoring echelons of the Report – and further improving its score from previous years. In particular, in the Paper & Forestry sector, Sofidel ranked among the top businesses in the Climate Change category, above the sector average at global (C) and European (B-) level, and among the top businesses in the Forests Timber category, above the sector average at global (B-) and European (B-) level.
Registrations are open for the second edition of the Maris Master - II Level Master in Reporting Innovation Sustainability a.a. 2018-2019, which will open March 28, 2019 during the Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale, a roman stop, organized at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". MARIS Master and Global Compact Network Italy have confirmed the collaboration for the second consecutive year. The fundamental point of the partnership is the formation to create a shared value and collaboration for the achievement of the SDGs.
Stop at disposable plastic bottles and glasses, replaced by 700 thermal bottles, personalized with each employee's initials.
125,000 bottles of water, 125,000 plastic cups, equalling 4 tonnes of waste per year and around 13,500 kg of CO2 emissions: these are the numbers of its headquarters that Terna is gradually erasing with "Plastic Free", the initiative that eliminates the disposable plastics from the offices.
In 2019, Sofidel is launching a series of communication initiatives entitled “NextGen” and dedicated to sustainability. These are aimed at and run by younger generations, as the future belongs to them more than it belongs to anyone else. Among these initiatives is the Group’s institutional annual campaign that features a child with a “tiger” face as protagonist to recall the objective #15 (Life on Land) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A young and already well-known artist-photographer, Roselena Ramistella, took the photograph.
Inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and generational diversity with a focus on senior talent: these were the themes of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters Meeting promoted by the European Commission held at the end of January in Madrid in which Fondazione Sodalitas participated on behalf of Italy.
This event was part of the European Platform established by the European Commission which brings together the Diversity Charters of 22 European countries, including Italy. The Platform aims to promote the exchange of best practices among the companies participating in it and to develop synergic initiatives among the Charters of the various countries.
Salini Impregilo has won the title of “Best Employer of Choice” among university graduates in engineering and related fields in Italy, confirming its standing as one of the best places to work in the country.
For the third consecutive year, the Group was among the five best places to work in general, according to the results a survey of graduates conducted by Cesop Communication, a human resources consultancy. Among the top five, it ranked fourth, an improvement from the previous year.
Maire Tecnimont has achieved a “B” rating for its company policy on climate change and environmental sustainability from CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), the international non-profit organization specialized in the evaluation and measurement of environmental performance and strategies addressing climate change adopted by major international companies.
Maire Tecnimont Group, which has been participating in the project for four years, continues to improve its standing, ranking in the top-25 out of 120 monitored Italian companies, a “best in class” result that emphasizes how transparency and engagement with all stakeholders are central to the Group’s identity.