In December ERGO Italia, insurance group, answered the call of Greenpeace and of FAO for the safeguard of bees, thus supporting the project Bee My Future by LifeGate.
Adopting a hive and the about 30,000 bees that live in it is a concrete action for the protection and breeding of these precious insects in urban areas, according to the biological guidelines.
The first Italian company to run a project like that, Terna launches an online area, accessible from, entirely dedicated to current building sites. Here, full information will be published and regularly updated on contracts, tenders and (for the first time) subcontracts, regarding work in progress for the construction of electrical infrastructure in Italy.
“Cantieri aperti & trasparenti”, this is the name that Terna, the Group chaired by Catia Bastioli and headed by Matteo Del Fante, has chosen for an unprecedented Italian initiative that, thanks to a complete, dynamic communication tool available to everybody, can further contribute to the country’s development.
The Sofidel Group, well-known in Italy especially for the brand Regina, has a new corporate campaign focused on renewing its commitment to the WWF Climate Savers programme in order to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The goal for 2020 of the Italian multinational paper manufacturer is to reduce direct CO2 emissions by 23% (compared to 2009 for each tonne of paper) and indirect emissions by 13% (compared to 2010 for each tonne of paper). And, further, by the end of 2020, 8% of fuel consumed annually is expected to come from renewable sources.
Diversitalavoro is the Equal Opportunity Career Forum offering job opportunities to disadvantaged people (disabled people, migrants and transgenders) involving Companies and Institutions with focus on CSR values. Divesitalavoro doesn’t consists only in Career daysin different Italian provinces (Roma, Milano, Napoli and Catania) but also in training workshop, meetings and “practical labs” on the topic of Diversity and Inclusion management addressed to Companies. Since 2007 more than 70 companies and over 12,000 candidates participated to Diversitalavoro, promoted by Fondazione Sodalitas, UNAR, People and Fondazione Adecco per le Pari Opportunità.
Salini Impregilo and its design partner SMEC have won the highest recognition from an industry body in Australia for designing a prominent section of a new metro infrastructure in Sydney as environmentally friendly as possible according to the Australian standards - the latest example of Group’s commitment to sustainable development.
The next December back in the bookstores the annual Guides Eco in città Roma and Milano, in its fourth edition.
A series of publications promoted by Pentapolis Onlus in order to spread low-impact lifestyles, perfect for public institutions, civil society, companies, associations, media and citizens.
A useful tool for residents and for tourists: a guide that speaks of places, tips, ideas and suggestions to live in the city by adopting a lifestyle that respects the environment.
As stems from the 2013&2014 Sustainability Report, Officinæ Verdi, Energy Efficiency Group born in 2011 by JV UniCredit - WWF, in the first two years of activity has achieved important results in terms of sustainability, thanks to a business model able to create long-term value for companies, through the analysis of needs and self-consumption even without public incentives.
In mid-September KPMG Italy joined Bike2Work, a project co-financed by the European Community and the European Cyclists' Federation with the participation of 12 European countries. In Italy, the project was led and sponsored by Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta ONLUS (FIAB), an environmental organization recognized by the Ministry of Environment as an association devoted to environmental protection.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR report), in its fifth edition, represents for GSE not only an annual appointment to keep, but also an occasion to share every year value-focused way of doing business with all stakeholders. This is a tale - as we like to call it - where the effort of GSE in favour of energetic and environmental sustainability is at the base of our institutional mission.
The Sustainable Development Foundation, chaired by Edo Ronchi, is a no-profit organization born by will of companies, business associations and sustainability experts, in order to encourage the development into the field of green economy in Italy .
Since 2010, the Foundation, in collaboration with FISE UNIRE, care and publishes Annual Report "Italy of recycling", with sponsorship of the Ministries of the Environment and Economic Development and ISPRA. The report aims to provide an updated overview on the dynamics topics of the European and international for recycled materials markets, on the trends underway in Italy and finally on the problems and the potentiality of the sector. Each year, the report also offers a separate chapter about on the technologies and the innovative management.
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), through the research program “Sustainability and Social Innovation (SIS), published in 2015, with the beginning of the UN Summit for Sustainable Development held on last September in New York, a book entitled “Un patto globale per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Processi e attori nell’Agenda 2030”.
Enel has been named by magazine Bloomberg Businessweek in its list of 50 companies to watch in 2016. The magazine praised the Group for boosting investment in high-growth markets in the Americas and Africa by 48 percent through 2019 to offset declining demand for power in Europe. Enel is the only Italian company and the only electricity utility in list.
On Wednesday 4 November Ca' Foscari University of Venice has released its fifth Sustainability Report, during the event DIRE FARE DARE – Scoprire il volontariato a Ca’ Foscari.
Ca' Foscari reports annually the actions taken and the results achieved by the university illustrating, in an integrated perspective, the impacts on the economic, environment and social. This year the document was focused on the impact of Ca’ Foscari on the community, especially in economic and social terms, and in particular highlighting the economic value attracted and generated, directly and indirectly.
The Italian Banking Association (ABI) renews its commitment to corporate sustainability through the publication of its Communication on Engagement (COE), as a United Nations Global Compact’s signatory.
The document describes the actions promoted in the period 2012-2014 with banks and stakeholders, in the area of legality and anti-corruption, relationships with businesses and families, support for employment, community prosperity and environmental protection.
Openness, Listening and Participation is the path A2A has taken to improve its ability to read and interpret the expectations of all the stakeholders. The programme was launched in Brescia testing a new approach based on four instruments:
The seventh consecutive renewal for Terna, the company chaired by Catia Bastioli and led by Matteo Del Fante, in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index also comes with its recognition as an industry leader in the Electric Utilities sector. This is the result from the annual review conducted by the Swiss sustainability rating agency RobecoSAM, which today confirmed the Company’s continued inclusion in the World and Europe indexes. This represents a major achievement for Terna: there are only 8 Electric Utilities in the World index and just 2 in the Europe index.
On June 24th 2015, the Conference “Management and Control of Major Accident Hazards” organized by AIAS, the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and Innovhub was held at the premises of the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
The meeting focused on the illustration of the changes introduced by the decree of adoption of the so-called Seveso III Directive (Legislative Decree of June 26th 2015, No. 105) concerning the implementation of the Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances, in force from July 29th 2015.
Snam mades open dialogue with stakeholders and the territory on which they operates the key priority of the business activities, maintaining constant relationships with organizations, institutions and companies. To encourage the development of their infrastructure, the Company makes their knowledge available as a contribution to the common cultural and scientific heritage.
As is clear from the Social Report 2014 DECO INDUSTRIE, safety, as in the form of health protection of workers, as in the form of wholesomeness of food products, it is an important requirement for DECO.
Of fundamental importance is the respect and protection of the environment which requires DECO continuously innovate in production processes to lower impact and goods more affordable performance and respectful of nature.
In recent years, the sustainability reporting has taken on increasing importance, as a result of major society and regulators' expectations on companies’ ethical behaviour. There has been the development of shared global standards for increasing the usability and comparability of ESG information published by organisations.