Snam, for the first time, has drawn its Financial Report on the basis of the integrated reporting model, an advanced approach to corporate reporting processes that integrates financial and non-financial information showing the link between the Company’s strategy, governance, financial performance and the social, environmental and economic context in which it operates.
Salini Impregilo's Sustainability Report 2015 is now online. It was published for the Shareholders' Meeting that was held on April 28, 2016, to approve the Annual Financial Statements. It has been drawn-up in compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), version G4, using the "Comprehensive" option, and was subject to the assurance of Reconta EY.
Officinæ Verdi has launched a new web channel: a blog section to talk about environmental and economic sustainability, smart energy, technology and green economy.
The 2015 Sustainability Report of the Generali Group, that is the 12th edition, was approved by the Board of Directors and spread on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting on 28 April.
Etimos Foundation presents the Rural Development Fund, an impact investing fund supporting small and medium-sized rural enterprises in Espírito Santo, Brasil, through investments in methodological innovation, process and technology.
AIAS has dedicated the 2016 first issue of its magazine Informatore AIAS Obiettivo prevenzione (AIAS Information Bulletin. Main goal: Prevention) to sustainability and, in particular, to the international and European guidelines on sustainability.
Venice International University (VIU) organizes a Summer School in English on Responsible Capitalism: Strategy, Governance and Finance that will be held on the VIU Campus on the island of San Servolo in Venice, June 6-10, 2016. The Faculty is composed of Professors from Columbia University, Henley Business School, IESE Business School, University of Lausanne and the Department of Management of Univeristà Ca’ Foscari Venezia, acting as scientific coordinator
Applications are open till April 3rd to current Ph.D. students, research master’s students (e.g. MPhil students), post-doc researchers in Management, Strategy, Organization Theory, Finance, Economic Sociology, and related disciplines from universities worldwide. The Program is open only to 15 students who will be awarded with scholarships covering participation fee and accommodation on VIU Campus.
The CEO of the Sofidel Group, Luigi Lazzareschi, has been nominated Ambassador for the 50th Anniversary of WWF Italy, as part of the ceremony to launch celebrations for the association’s anniversary, held at the ‘Sala Capitolare’ of the Senate of the Republic and attended by President of the Italian Senate Pietro Grasso and worldwide representatives of WWF senior management.
Until the next May 27 businesses and organizations can apply to the 14th edition of the Sodalitas Social Award, the most authoritative Prize on Sustainability in Italy promoted by Fondazione Sodalitas.
The 14th Edition of Sodalitas Social Award will recognize the commitment of enterprises, institutions and organizations towards "changing the paradigm and achieving a sustainable future".
The agreement between UniCredit and Officinæ Verdi for supplying 100% energia verde (100% green energy) to enterprises and companies has been signed. The supply service is powered by Consortium Energia Verde SpA, Officinæ Verdi Group operating company.
SMEs will be able to save energy and reduce CO2 emission costs, improving their environmental performance and recovering competitiveness. Consortium Energia Verde SpA provides 100% renewable energy: each kWh hour supplied is covered by an equivalent supply from renewable sources, verified by Gestore dei Servizi Energetici through the Guarantee of Origin (G.O). Together with the supply of green energy, SMEs will be able to install the metering system mætrics®, which allows remote monitoring of energy consumption and waste identification.
KPMG has contributed to the official launch of Social Value Italia, the Italian Branch of Social Value International, an international network for anyone interested in social value and social impact.
The mission of this organization is to advocate about accounting, measuring and managing social value from the perspective of those affected by an organization’s activities.
KPMG is supporting Social Value Italia in the framework of the firm’s strategic CR partnerships. The collaboration would consist in giving pro bono advice, helping in setting the strategic direction, creating a supportive business community and contributing to the implementation of specific projects. It also demonstrates consistency with the commitment to align CR and the core business. In fact, clients are increasingly looking towards the issue of social impact as a main topic and this collaboration is likely to nurture the know-how in this field.
The Sharing mobility Observatory met on the 16th of March, at Bocconi University in Milan. Between the topics discussed during the technical session “Legislative instruments”, the Observatory has analysed and discussed the legal proposals in order to provide the Roadmap for the sharing mobility development. To this session Pierfrancesco Maran, Mobility Councillor of the city of Milan and Maurizio Pernice, General Director from the Ministry of Environment, have participated.
The traditional Spring Meeting of the Sustainable Development Foundation, in its eight edition, will be held on the 27th of April 2016 in Rome at the Casa dell’Architettura, with the presence of the Minister for the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti.
The Paris Climate agreement during the COP 21, signed also by Italy, is challenging and, if implemented, it will promote an important step not only for climate, but also for the green economy development with low-carbon emissions. In order to encourage the italian debate on the application of the Paris agreement, the Foundation presents, towards the fifth edition of the States Genral of the green economy during November 2016 in Rimini, during its traditional annual spring meeting, the “Italy Climate Report”. With updated data to 2015, how are going the greenhouse-gas emissions in Italy? And what about the European and international frame? Regarding to the Paris objectives, what is the value? Which new measures would be necessary to rejoin the trajectory compatible with the temperature not exceeding 1,5°C?
AIAS - Italian Professional Association Environment and Safety confirmed with the Communication on Engagement (COE) its support for the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
The COE describes the actions that AIAS has taken to support the Global Compact – from the date of adhesion to the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (January 2014) - and it is published on the Association website at:
On 25 February 2016, A2A held its second “Multi-stakeholder Forum,” which saw the involvement of different categories of stakeholders. Twenty-nine external stakeholders participated (local authorities, customers, environmental associations, suppliers, entrepreneurs, experts in economics, environment and culture, and teachers), who were divided into four working groups, each of which worked on topics relating to the presence of A2A in the region:
Enel CEO and General Manager Francesco Starace has been appointed co-Chair of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Energy Utilities and Energy Technologies Communities at the 46th Annual Meeting of WEF in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
Over 2,500 leaders from business, government, international organisations, civil society, academia, media and the arts are participating at the 46th Annual Meeting of WEF between January 20th and 23rd. The theme of the meeting is “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
The company is Industry Leader of Electric Utilities in the DJ Sustainability Index and has confirmed its position in the Gold Class for the fourth time. Terna is a world leader in sustainability: thanks to the results achieved in its environmental and social responsibility activities, the company chaired by Catia Bastioli and led by Matteo Del Fante has received recognition as Industry Leader in the Electric Utilities sector of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and is the only Italian company in the Gold Class of the Sustainability Yearbook 2016 just published by RobecoSAM, the international rating agency which assesses the sustainability performance of the 2,000 biggest companies in the world.
Terna, in the Gold Class for the fourth time, totalled 89 points, the highest score in its history and the highest in the Electric Utilities sector, which recorded an average of 52.
In order to be competitive in the global market, companies in Europe more than ever need young people with the right skills. At the same time, Europe has a significant untapped human capital potential. To achieve higher sustainable growth and more innovation, and take full advantage of the skills and talent available in Europe, business and the education sector need to open up to the world and to each other.
The “European Pact for Youth” is a mutual engagement of business and the European Union leaders. It brings together representatives for business, education and youth, and the European institutions.
In line with these objectives and proposed actions, business will engage with the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility and all supportive organizations, to support the creation of 10,000 quality business-education partnerships.
Last fall Telecom Italia adopted its policy on Human Rights, because it helps to measure and monitor the integration of Human Rights in all its activities, it is required by its stakeholders (investors, commercial partners, institutions), by the rating agencies (such as FTSE4Good and DJSI) and by the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; also, because from 2017 companies like Telecom Italia have to include the information on Human Rights in their financial statements (EU Directive 95/2014).
The Climate Agreement signed in Paris COP21 outlines a model of development based on renewables and energy efficiency, a carbon neutral production system and an economy that can support those communities that are resilient to climate change.
In Europe, between 1990 and 2014, it has already been registered a strong difference between emissions (down by 23%) and GDP (increased of 46%), demonstrating that the green economy and innovation can work as a driver of development for the economic recovery. Increasingly, revenues will be linked to the technologies and production systems with low emissions and those who make long-term investments in systems and infrastructure will assess their consistency with the process of current decarbonization, to avoid becoming useless or counterproductive.