• Cinque Video-Series per raccontare l’impegno delle aziende per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Il Global Compact lancia la campagna “Global Goals in Action”

    Il Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite (UNGC) ha lanciato la campagna “Global Goals in Action” che mira a valorizzare l’impegno concreto delle proprie aziende aderenti nell’implementazione dei Global Goals promossi dall’Agenda 2030 ONU.

    In particolare, la campagna si articola in Video-Series focalizzate sull’esperienza di 5 aziende multinazionali - Safaricom, Colgate-Palmolive, Iberdrola, Hilton, and Natura & Co- che hanno efficacemente allineato le loro strategie di business ai Dieci Principi del Global Compact ed intrapreso azioni concrete sugli SDGs. Il racconto mette in luce i vantaggi derivanti dall’adesione allo UN Global Compact in termini di opportunità di business, visibilità internazionale ed approfondimento tematico.

  • Five Video-Series to tell the story of company commitment to sustainable development. Global Compact launches the campaign “Global Goals in Action”

    The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) has launched the campaign “Global Goals in Action”, which aims to enhance the commitment of its member companies to implementing the Global Goals promoted by the 2030 UN Agenda.

    In particular, the campaign is divided into Video-Series focused on the experience of 5 multinational companies – Safaricom, Colgate-Palmolive, Iberdrola, Hilton, Natura & Co – that have effectively aligned their business strategies with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and have taken concrete action on SDGs. The story highlights the benefits to be derived from joining the UN Global Compact in terms of business opportunities, international visibility and thematic insight.